On New Years Eve, a few members of my tribe and I headed out our back door into the wide open desert on foot. Our intention was to have a spiritual ceremony in the depths of nature to ring in 2021. For the past few years, at the beginning of the New Year, I have done a reading for what the upcoming energies are for the year. I’ve found it very useful in terms of having an energetic road map that can help me navigate each month of the year. This year, I am feeling very strongly to share this reading with you. I’m going to share the first half of the year, here, and will share the second half in another post further into the year. I’m including pictures that have their own messages as well so look at them to gather further information of what energies will be at play for the year and each month.
THEME OF 2021: I am the Peaceful Warrior.
We all know the world could use a little extra dose of compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. We are being called to become the stewards of this extra dose. Extending these qualities to the people around you is very important. But it is also just as important to extend these qualities to YOURSELF! Accept that you will falter along this journey. Be kind, gentle, and loving to yourself when you do. If you can master this within your own cosmos, it will flow out into the world around you and make big shifts in the external world around you. That is the first half of the theme…PEACEFUL.
The second half of the theme is WARRIOR. Just because you are compassionate, kind, and forgiving, doesn’t mean you let everyone walk all over you. In fact, it is challenging, if not impossible, to remain peaceful if you fail to set boundaries. Lack of boundaries leads to resentments and resentments steal your peace. So you must fight for your peace. If that seems like a paradox, that’s because it is. Life is full of them! To truly master 2021, you are being asked to bring into balance into all things including peace and war. This means becoming the eye of the storms around you. This means finding your center. You are a torus energy field. Imagine an infinity symbol. The space in the center point is where you are most balanced. You are going to be challenged over and over again to pick a side. If you resort to that, you will be left imbalanced and lacking the peace you so much desire.
Always remember….if you cannot master finding balance and peace WITHIN yourself, you will never be able to master it OUTSIDE yourself. Your external surroundings are a reflection of your internal world.
You are also being called to step up and lead. The difference between a follower and a leader is that the leader had the courage to go first. Your tribe is calling you. The best way to discover them is to look in the mirror. If you are being called to lead it is probably because at some point in your life you longed for someone to lead you. They are out there longing for the exact same thing you were. Embrace the struggles. You don’t need to know the way…you just need to believe that there might be a different one.
Monthly Energy Report
JANUARY – (2 of Air) Everything in creation has an opposite. Up & Down. Black & White. Good & Bad. This is known as Duality; the theory that two opposing forces come together to create a state of chaos. These two forces are constantly battling it out to see who is wrong and who is right and to overcome or be rid of the other side. We see this so strongly in America right now, do we not? So many extremes and so much pressure for you to pick one. Fear is the tactic to get you to choose them. If someone is using fear to persuade you to do something, it should be an instant RED FLAG! So what is left if you see duality for what it is and decide chaos is not the outcome you’re interested in?
Polarity is the idea the two opposing forces are necessary because without one side, the other could not exist. They are two different sides to the same coin. Two different wings to the same bird. Like a magnet…if you only have a positive without the negative, the magnet cannot exist. Just like an atom must contain a positive and negative charge in order for matter to exist. You remove one or the other and the atom is no longer an atom. This is a full spectrum perspective. One in which you realize that every time you try to categorize something into good and bad, you are limiting your perspective.
The goal in January is to choose between these 2 paths; one that divides and separates and one that unites and accepts. One leads to peace and the other one leads to chaos. You are literally laying the foundation of your experience in 2021 based what you choose. Choose wisely.
FEBRUARY – (16) Destiny: ancestral healing is required.
A potential road block to your destiny is falling victim to instant gratification and ease. You are on a quest; a long and arduous search for something…it’s the search for yourSelf. The quest is not easy. There will be many challenges and obstacles along the way. The faster you learn to love and appreciate your obstacles, the faster you will overcome them. To truly find your highest potential, you will have to look in every crevice and turn over every rock in search for outdated beliefs and paradigms that no longer serve your best and highest good. In February, the first place to start looking is at your family. Can you point out a few things that have stopped them from reaching their fullest potential? Do you see any of those same things within yourself? If so, its time to heal them. You are being called to heal generations past and generations forward. Be prepared to pay your dues and transform your demons. Not just for yourself but also for your lineage. Procrastination and the desire to turn back will tempt you strongly at this time. Do not weaken. Stay devoted and dedicated and your fate will unfold in miraculous ways. Your ancestors are with you every step of the way. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Reach out to someone who can facilitate healing if you feel overhwhelmed.
MARCH – (18) Thought
THOUGHT is ENERGY. Questions negativity and shift your attention to the positive. What you focus on grows. When we have been exposed to negative situations and people, it is easy to fall into a pattern of giving negativity our attention. But in doing so we are asking for more of those experiences to show up because our thought patterns connected with our feelings is what creates our reality. Find the roots of that critical voice in your mind that plant seeds of doubt that stop you from living your fullest potential. Pull them out and plant seeds that will support abundance. Become aware of what you’re ingesting that may be toxic to your being. Food, news, music, TV shows, conversations, etc. How it ends up making you feel is your indication of whether you should consume it or not. Choose balanced and high vibrations at this time to focused on the big picture of where you’re heading.
APRIL – (2 of Fire) Teamwork makes the Dream work!
Now is the time to create harmonious partnerships with people that align with your same goals and values. By coming together, you will be able to accomplish far more than you could on your own. If you desire to create something but find there are tasks involved that you’re not the greatest at accomplishing, reach out to someone who excels at those things. There is an upcoming obstacle that you will have no problem overcoming with a balanced partnership. Remember the theme about being a peaceful warrior and be sure to be assertive with your expectations and intentions of this relationship, as well. Set healthy boundaries if needed.
MAY – (10) Knowledge
Surround yourself with books and information. Part of the reason for your existence is to gather information and knowledge. Knowledge has the ability to empower us, but it also has the ability to hinder us. Whenever we blindly follow someone or something outside of ourselves, we risk being led astray. Your fullest potential is urging you to start questioning old paradigms you were taught that may be outdated and restricting you from progressing. Take a very close look at why you believe some of the things you believe and where that knowledge came from; school, parents, government, religion. What was revealed in February about family that helped you change your perspective? It may be related to this paradigm that needs to be transformed. Evolving to the next stage requires you to know how to discern between knowledge that impedes and restricts you versus knowledge that sets your free. Something you think is factual may not actually be. Discover what it is and gain new and more current information to help you proceed.
JUNE – (1 of Earth) Time to make preparations.
This is a new beginning in the area of career or home life. Are you doing something that is unfulfilling? Do you value monetary income over satisfaction with what you’re doing? If so, its time to make some changes and you will be fully supported by the universe in doing so. There are changes coming that you need to be prepared for. What do you desire most? What is your passion? If you could wave a magic wand and have the perfect career or home life, what would that look like? The answers to these questions are where you need to direct your efforts and energy. Make sure they are grounded in practicality and seek tangible outcomes to accomplish them.
After 2020, I think we’re all on pins and needles. I’m here to reassure that 2021 can be beautifully amazing as long as you are doing your work to lay a solid foundation. Stay away from the fear and negativity or it will consume you. Focus on the life you truly desire to build and live. Strengthen your weaknesses. Trust yourself. Fight for yourself. 2020 was all about realizing there is this full spectrum and how the center point is your safe place. 2021 is all about building up from there. Onward & Upward, my friends!
**I will be sharing more ROAD Report Energetic updates so if you found this information helpful and valuable, subscribe to be updated on the latest posts and information.