The number 11 has had a profound meaning in my life for the past 6 years. Granted, it goes much further back to high school when my friends and I would see 11:11 on the clock and announce, “Make a wish!”. 11’s are an indication of a spiritual awakening and as I entered onto the spiritual path around the age of 19, it made another appearance in my life. It was like waking up from a deep slumber and the phenomenon of synchronicity became ever-present in my daily life. A few years would go by until my late significant other would begin noticing them too, shortly before his earthly death. I clung to that connection with him and 11’s and 22’s became a tell-tale sign that he was speaking to me or simply sending me his love. That’s because 11/11 is also a symbol for the twin flame connection. One I resonate with deeply and now share with my current significant other. I hold these numbers very near and dear to my heart.
So today is a special day. I recognized the date this morning but have been shrugging off the significance all day. I shrugged it off when I looked at the clock at 11:11. And again when I read an IG post of a spiritual teacher sharing her manifestations. You see there is a portal that is activated on this day that will enhance and amplify our thoughts and desires. That’s why it is very important to get really clear about what it is we would like to draw more of into our lives.
But it is just now, at the end of the day, that I have taken the time to get still and have a conversation with my higher self. What is it that I’m wanting to manifest more of in my life?
I have an entire list of things that I ‘want’ more of. But the last couple years, I have really began an entirely new relationship with these so called desires. You see, I’ve always been a goal digger. From the time I was young, over-achievement came somewhat easily for me. At any given time, I could give you a pretty lengthy list of all the goals and dreams I wanted to achieve. And I worked tirelessly to achieve them. To the point where, the satisfaction of actually accomplishing them became less and less because I was instantly ready to move onto the next one. Over time I came to the conclusion that I was addicted to accomplishments. And what is an addiction? To me addiction is an insatiable desire for more of something. To the point where it’s never enough. The more you get, the bigger the gaping hole inside you becomes. And you work tirelessly to fill it but to no avail.
Wants. Goals. Dreams. Desires. They became a cover for my lack of self-acceptance. If I was striving to reach something outside of myself, I was distracted from having to stop and take a look at how I was really doing on the inside. Chasing things became the distraction from myself. I started to notice that what I was really chasing was peace and happiness. It has been my second time through the Workbook of A Course in Miracles, that I have started to realize that nothing outside of ourselves can ever truly give us that.
So instead of thinking about increasing my finances, expanding my businesses, achieving success in my barrel racing career, and on and on and on….
Today, I am setting a different kind of intention. For now, and for the year of 2019.
My intention moving forward is to align my will with the will of God so that I may know peace each and every day.
That is truly what I want….
So many times I have thought I knew what would bring me peace and happiness. Only to get those things and be sorrily disappointed. So do we really even know what we want? The ego tries to convince us that we do. And it talks us into running around like a rat in a maze until half of our life has flown by and we haven’t slowed down near enough to cherish life’s greatest gifts.
Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with dreams or desires. And there is nothing wrong with taking action towards the things we desire. We are here to play, create, and manifest. But no amount of action can bring us the things we want when our intentions are misaligned. For me, the intention of accomplishing goals was to fill a void within myself. That was a misaligned intention. Now, I want every dream or desire I accomplish to spread light and love to everyone around me and remind every soul on this planet that they are a divine creation of God and that they have the power to experience heaven on Earth. That’s my mission, here. That’s my purpose. How that manifests really doesn’t matter and could take many different forms.
The bigger lesson through all of this is simply, there is nothing that we cannot have or accomplish when our will is aligned with the will of God. Once that alignment takes place, our intuition will guide us to the path that will bring us the most peace and the most joy.
What would you have me do?
Where would you have me go?
What would you have me say, and to whom?
Say this every morning when you awake and watch your life shift in the most miraculous ways.
Peace & Love,