ROAD Report: April Energy Forecast

A Time for Revision

Now is not the the time to make big decisions, until you review all the options!!!

Choose your Illusions

We are being called to put our focus on the illusions we have created about ourselves and the world around us. Our reality is based on perception and the more we can be aware of how we choose to view our situations and obstacles, the more power we have as co-creators with Universe.

These cards gave us some tools of what to focus within our mind, heart, and instinct:

MIND- Love

HEART- 5 Thank You’s

INSTINCT- Compassion

Take a specific look at the things that make you feel angry. This is what you’re being called to heal. Don’t stuff your anger. Find creative outlets to express is and new doors of opportunity will be opened to you.

Events Occur With Great Speed

Things are happening very rapidly this month so make sure you nurture yourself and make down time a priority. This will restore you and give you the energy to carefully review your options and find creative solutions to your problems.

Beginning of the Month – once again, we are being called to focus on the loving relationships in our lives. It’s time to be more selective of who you spend your energy with. Take note of the people in your life that you feel you can be authentic with and show them your love and appreciation. For the people that you seem to be struggling with, love them, and let them go.

Middle of the Month – A messenger is coming with an important message. Although they may deliver it without concern of your feelings, don’t get caught up in the emotional drama of it all, otherwise you will miss the entirety of the message which is a clue upon your journey of changes that need to be addressed. This is a challenge but once that you can easily overcome by expressing your anger in a healthy way and focusing on love and compassion.

End of the Month – The level of abundance coming your way is dependent upon how you handled your most recent opportunity for growth. If you deal with challenges in a kind and understanding manner, you can expect your pot of gold to arrive. Make time for those around you and you will truly feel rich.

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