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Open Up to the Magic and Light Within You
Monthly Theme: Light and Magic is coming to your manifestation of a happy, safe, comfortable life to share with the people you love. Pay attnetion to what Unity means to you. Focus on your greatest wishes and desires. Where you put your attnetion, is where your going to get results.
Beginning of March: The end of a difficult situation. You can expect things to start looking up. Focusing on the positive will allow us to transform heavier, past, energies that no longer serve us.
Middle: Balance emotional and mental considerations. You have just come out of an intense storm and it’s time to re-center yourself. Now is a good time to use clearing statements or techniques to let go of the challenges, the obstacles, and the road blocks. Whatever is striking a chord within you is what you’re being called to heal.
End: Fear and ego is going to make an appearance. Don’t allow your fear-based thoughts to get to you. Stay focused on the beauty of your being. The darkness coming up is a checkpoint along the path of your dreams. The only way out of it, is through it!
Underlying Energy: Your goals are competing so it’s time to set your priorities. There may be a clashing of wills or difference of opinions. Be open to clarity and the resolution will unfold. This type of challenge can either interest you, or drain you. The choice is yours.
Remember that every thought you think is a prayer to God. Watch your thoughts to make sure your thinking things that align with your fullest potential. Reach out for spiritual help and you will be amazed at the results.
Energy Clearing Technique
1. Picture light from 300 ft above your head coming down into your entire body.
2. Allow that light to continue downward into the center of the Earth until you feel a calming peace.
3. Let the light bounce from the center of the Earth back up into your feet and to your heart center.
4. Radiate that light 360 degrees around you until it’s bigger than the building your in, bigger than the city your in, bigger than the state your in, bigger than the country your in, until your field is a little bit bigger than the planet.
Anywhere and everywhere, I’m creating…..(insert your block)…..I choose to transform on every level of my entire being.
Keep repeating similiar statements about the transformation of your old immature beliefs into your new mature beliefs.