What if we could turn back the hand of time within our bodies and slow down the aging process? Thanks to genetic science and some of the world’s most reverred natural ingredients in the world, we have the opportunity to feel the full vitality that we did at our peak.
This to me as a competitor, is so valuable. Being a cowgirl is not easy on the body. I’ve been bucked off, ran into barrels at 30 mph, and am soley responsible for lifting bales and cleaning stalls. I live on the road, alone, and it involves late night driving and wear and tear on my body. To say the least, I have struggled with aches and pains to the point where a chiropractor or massage therapist has been a necessity, at least once a month. I am so excited to share that for the last six months, I have been 100% PAIN FREE! Even when I do an intense cardio workout, the next morning, I have NO body soreness. How cool is that? So cool that I put my barrel horses on it! After feeling the effects for myself, I couldnt resist seeing how it could help my furry athlete companions. I feel like they feel better than they ever have and we’re running about a half-second off of the big dogs at the rodeos.
Another interesting result I’m experiencing is that the people around me seem to be seeing my outer appearances change. I’ve had friends ask me what I’m doing differently because I look so good. After Tj died, I lost a lot of weight and looked hagard. Thanks to ageLOC Youth, I’m back to my vibrant looking self. I’ve had at least seven people tell me that I look like I’m 22 (this is one of my lucky numbers, so double whammy!). Yes, there are ingredients in ageLOC Youth that help your skin look younger and the genetic clusters that it resets makes you feel younger, too. I’ve also noticed that my eyes are less dry and my vision seems less cloudy from contacts.
Another amazing benefit I’ve notived is that my moods have been elevated and stress can’t get at me, near as easily as it used to. My focus and motivation is through the roof which is an answer to my prayers because I have so many balls in the air. I’m running two businesses, making my way into the PRCA Rodeo World, training my young horse, roping, developing myself as a writer with my blog, growing my social media, and expanding my spiritual awareness and manifestation skills. This is the most effective I have ever been in my entire life and I’m preparing for success like I’ve never known before. I’m ecstatic about it!
Just imagine what ageLOC Youth can do for you! Here is some more valuable information about this revolutionary supplement unlike any other on the market.
ageLOC Youth is not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose any medical problem. I am a Nu Skin distributor. For more information, visit my website at:
Feel free to contact me for further information, as well.