Music Therapy: Elephant Revival & It’s Obvious

Some songs you fall in love with over time or once you really listen to the words. I fell in love with this one from the moment I heard it because of the beat. The variations of instrumentals hit my head and had it bobbing…then it traveled down to my toes that tapped along. I was already swept away when his soothing voice came in with the first line about moonlight and awakening and it’s no surprise I’m in love.

But the underlying story is about FREEDOM. An idea that I have pondered over for the last couple years as I prepared to spread my wings and fly. Last year, I chose my theme od the year to be Freedom and it’s beautiful how it’s manifested itself into my life. To me, freedom is waking up and spending my day however I choose. Freedom is not letting my emotions get the best of me. Freedom is getting to be creative. Freedoms is having time to exersize

my talents. Freedom is feeling healthy enough to spend time doing the things I love from sun-up to sun-down. Freedom is living life like I’m on vacation and loving what I do so much that it never feels like work.

I am truly blessed. And no matter where you’re at on your journey, you are, too. One by one we are awakening to this and uniting as teams to lift each other up. And as we do, it further clears the path for others to follow. I like to refer to this energy as, tribing up. Going back to our roots, in a sense and no longer allowing ‘steel and stone’ or other old paradigms ‘to contain us’. The future always holds better days when we open up to the illusions of the things that seem to bind us.

Then it all just becomes so…



By the moonlight, we’ll rise with awaking
knees not shaking, sharp and shaping down.
The dawn’s raised and dim breaking,
truth a blazing, perfect phase in.
Oh they’re taken for the taking
for what’s not bound is what’s not maiden.
No we will not take it,
not rely, we will not take it.

The future will be much better
those in chains will be unfeathered.
And lots live like shaman above the tree line
no defeat when we join each other here.
I heard it through the walls of the station
steel and stone could not contain us.
Beyond the bounds of the nation
steel and stone could not contain us.

It’s obvious.

By the moonlight, we’ll rise with awaking
knees not shaking, sharp and shaping down.
The dawn’s raised and dim breaking,
truth a blazing, perfect phase in.
I heard it through the walls of the station
steel and stone could not contain us.
Beyond the bounds of the nation
steel and stone could not contain us.

la la la could not contain us
la la la could not contain us