Receive the Gift of Love
Allow your intution help you take action on plans that may have felt stagnant. The new year energy we expected to feel in January has finally arrived and you will feel the results of things you have been working on begin to speed up. However, don’t push yourself too hard. SLOW AND STEADY wins the race. Forcing things to happen will only slow your progress down. The answers you seek lie within and as soon as you become aware of your spiritual alignment, things will feel as if they are effortlessly happening. Get in the flow and allow it to carry you towards your dreams and desires.
Monthly Recap
Beginning of the Week: Find your balance. Look at the resources around you and fill your own cup. Go within for answers and take care of yourself.
Middle of the Week: This week, the material and spiritual worlds are colliding to bring you the GIFT OF LOVE. Embrace the new start of the wonderful new thing you’re embarking on. Now is the time to create and awaken to the things that bring you happiness.
End of the Week: Someone that has a tendency to over-undulge or stay in denial might try to hinder your progess. Thank them for the lessons and keep being your authentic self. It’s time for you to use the lessons you’ve learned to step into your true self. This could also refer to an old pattern coming up that will challenge the new tools or awareness you just gained.
February is the perfect time to re-focus on choosing love over fear. Don’t be afraid to open up and exchange love with the people around you. You are so loved by your spiritual AND earthly team.
Choose Love and Accept Loss
Today on Facebook, ‘On This Day’ pulled up last year’s Valentines of Tj and I. Our last selfie together. I instantly thought about the passage by Alfred Lord Tennyson:
“I hold it true, what’er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most;
‘Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all”
I remember a young girl who swore she would never fall in love. She didn’t want to take the risk of being heart-broken. Life was already unfair enough and she was already carrying enough betrayal, hurt, and anger. She didn’t need another piece of baggage to tie her down. She marked her calendar f*** Valentines Day because everyone talked about being in love and she just wanted to get high to numb the pain. Until one day, a man came along that she didn’t choose to let in. He didn’t need to be let in. He already existed inside her heart. And he erased the calendar words she wrote and exchanged it with his loving message.
She loved him with all her heart. And he would decide to leave the planet which would allow his girl to see the full dimensions of the beauty of something she had once thought to be a curse. That girl is me….
And the biggest regret I have is not being more in love. I swear, sometimes, there is a hole in my soul and a searing in my heart now that he appears out of the flesh. But the intensity of pain makes me appreciate our love on a level far beyond what I had before. I am like the caterpillar transforming into the butterly. If you know the basic process, you know that it’s no simple task. If the caterpillar could talk, I doubt it would say that transformation was comfortable. Or painless. But in the end, there is a beautiful metamorphosis and the butterfly’s persective becomes greater, for it’s wings carry it to new, unimagined heights.